cookie clicker on pc hack

cookie clicker on pc hack

Since a lot of people are wondering how to get the golden Furby egg and others have also said you can only do it with the Furby, I thought I'd make this video. This shows you how to get the golden egg without the Furby but I'm assuming it also works with it as well.
Once you have hatched all the Furblings and the apartments are full, click on the little cluster of Furbys icon at the bottom of the screen next to the egg box icon. Then you can buy the golden egg from an in game friend, using Furbucks. It's as simple as that. I completed my whole Game 1 without Furby Boom because at the time all I had was the app. I was expecting the Furby but I was let down by the seller I bought it from. Needless to say I got my money back and bought the Furby elsewhere, but it would be at least a month before I had the Furby and could use it with the app.

Nice comments only please. This video is both created by and copyright to Lara Ryan AKA Silvolf. NO re-uploading.